Thursday, February 25, 2010

New friends,

I'll need to repost these once I can remove the redeye!

John Gibson, from IU NW

Chris McGrew, Purdue U and Global Indiana

"Helen" from Lianong Normal U (China)

I have to get my list of participants, as i cannot recall the spelling but she is an environmental scientist from MSRU from the North of Thailand

Another environmental scientist from MSRU (and I have to get my list of participants to get the spelling of her name).  I have spent much time talking with her, she has been a wonderful guide to Thailand for me.

This is our "Goddess of the Mountain", Siri-orn Champatong (Oil), who has organized this conference and takes care of us all, she is like our "den" mother (scouting seems to be a big deal in Thailand)

Into the Cental Provinces of Thailand, part II

SaraBuri is the site of the King's Agricultural experimentation station, kind of like an extension station in the US.  However, this is where the King's New Theory of Agricultural is being modeled, although, there are certainly some difficultures with getting the farmers to go along with it.  Here is a link if you are interested in reading more about it.

And a picture or two:

a rice paddy, with the home in the background

We left the Agricultural Research station and proceeded to find food!  Brian Kilp pointed out to us, that with Thai's everything revolves around food, and I'd have to say, with my limited experience, that may be very true.  And this meal, once again, was fabulous (our lunch was wonderful as well and we were visited by the provincial governor!)

These waterside restaurants are my version of heaven,

this person may have caught the fish we ate for dinner!

A beautiful sunset, which this picture doesn't really justify to end a great day.

We were surprised at dinner by a visit from another provincial official who brought a gift for us, which John Conant accepted on our behalf.  The official also picked up our bar tab apparently.

Into the Cental Provinces of Thailand

Today we visited two cities, Ayyutthaya and Saraburi.  Ayyuthaya once was the capital of Thailand (Siam).  It now has a Royal project that is not unlike Good will, but focused on local handicrafts.  Some of the tools they used were very old, but the work they produced was exiquisite.  They made, among other things, rattan furniture of very high quality, banboo baskets and needle works that was were very intricate in their detail.

A few pictures

sanding the rattan

they had a glassblowing shop....this is art, not knick knacks

a lotus flower

This ad, shot from the bus, is for Lays Potatoe Chips, but the flavors, lime and chilis (need garlic, too) are so "ubiquitous" in so many of the foods....I think this is one thing that really makes Thai food Thai (and lots of seafood).

Thai Puppet Theatre

WE had dinner at a dinner theatre Wednesday night.  Wonderful meal, a little shopping through the night market, and then the pupper show at Joe Louis theatre (no relation to the American boxer).

This was a very stylized show.  Imagine watching a puppet show about the story of Adam and eve, with no backdrops to suggest anything, and three puppets, Adam, Eve, and the snake.  But you don't understand english and the movements are very stylized and they only show a couple of "scenes"  creation, the snake, the apple, adn that was it.

Of course the Americans understood when the puppet was of Michael Jackson and he did his usual dance (stylized of course) to Billie Jean.

One of the best academic discussions I've ever had

On Wednesday, all the delagates and then some, gathered in the Board Room of SSRU.  The Board Room was not unlike something you'd see in a scence from the UN.  Each of us had microphones, a computer screen, etc.

The aim was to discuss the project we had visited the previous day, the Ampawa Chaipaahna Nu-rak, this was an area to the south or the ways of river country or river folk.  One of the princesses had created a foundation to fund the effort.  In short, they ahve created what we would think of as something like a scale model of a village with the variety of crops, etc that these people grew.  Tney also improved the floating market there and it runs on Friday and SAturday afternoon and evenings.  The idea was to increase tourism there to help the people.

Our discussion set about on our impressions of this project from our various perspectives and whehter this contributed to environmentally and culturally sustainable local economic development.

None of the groups are likely to actcually do research there, but this was just a way for us to break the ice.

It worked and worked better than I think any of us could have imagined.  Many Asian cultures are very guarded about what are very typical academic conversations. 

This discussion, with academics from three different nations, in multiple disciplines was amazing.  I was just thrilled.  This is the way academia is supposed to be!

After this we proceeded to begin dsicussing the various projects.  They all sound interesting.  The Thai delegations are interested in trying to measure happiness, which is a very improtant idea in Thai culture (as it is emerging in many European countries).  But happiness, as I am begining to understand it in Thailand, is not the best translation, nor is well being, as is commonly meausred, but rather I think "contentment." 

I would be thrilled to work with any of the projects, but I hope that I can work with one or more of the Thai projects.  I really like the Thai delegates, feel very comfortable with them. The Thai people seem so open, they like to have fun, they seem very relaxed....of course I think we all are a little relaxed in our own homes!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


the Grand Palace

more Grand Palace

Granduer of the Grand Palace

Amazingly beautiful

one of the demons which protect the Grand Palace

The Budhist Temple of Dawn from the Chao Praya River

use sea salt?  Here is where it probably comes from...salt farming


Part of the river country......

the boat is called a sampon....note the engine

Day 2 and 3

Monday was the opening day of the conference. The list of keynote speakers was very impressive, including someone from the US Embassy, Mr. Howard, Chairman Korn, who is a former deputy prime minister, who challenged we academics in a most serious way, a Chinese professor...IPresident Chungacote (sp) of SSRU, don't have a program in front of me to help me remember.

In all, about 75 people attended the opening session. We had much fun with our "mouthful" topic, Environmentally and culturally sustainable local economic development (ECSLED).

After lunch and the end of the opening session, the delegates, about 20 of us, boarded several vans and went to the Grand Palace.....the pictures of this place will be wonderful and I hope to get some up on the blog soon. The Grand Palace was once where the kind lived, but no more, and it is also where the emerald buddha is...this is, as I understand, one of, if not THE largest piece of jade in the world, and there are three of them.

The temples are spectacular, they are built to "shine" through the use of shiny gold leaf surfaces and mirrors. The smell of sandalwood and lotus flower are everywhere.

It was, however, uncomfortable, going into the wat to see the buddha and the spectacular art there....although this is a tourist spot, others were on something of a pilgrimage. For instancde, outside the entrance was a large vat of water, with lotu flowers. With great joy, Thais would drip water with the lotus flower on the heads of each other. They joy on their faces was unmistakable. I suspect not unlike having holy water from the pope splashed on a Catholic. Monitors in the temple had to sternly remind the nonbuddhists to kneel. I knew this going in, but forgot when I got in so spectcular was the temple interior. i worry that someone might be offeneded by my and my colleagues ignorance.

After the Grand Palace, we returned for a shower and then off again for a dinner cruise on the ChaoPraya River that runs through Bangkok. This was fun, mostly farang (western foreigners) cruisers. A live band played an often odd selection of western pop music (rap, YMCA, John Denver, Wild Cherrym, etc). I am sure they did as good as if one of our local bands tried to do Thai pop music.

We visited the site of SSRU's future nursing school. This will be built in the middle of a salt farm. Thailand is a leading exporter of sea salt. They farm it through a repeated evaporation process of seawater. This is remarkable and low tech. Flood many fields with seawater, and a foot deep, then evaporate out all the water, then add, more, and so on, until there is a deposit of salt a foot deep. This process takes about 4 months and 10 fillings and evaporations. As the salt is near its "harvest" workers, build the salt into small mounds when it is a slurry, then once fully evaporated, use a small roler vehicle to flatten it out, then it is bagged by hand using a shovel. This sounds like it would be remarkably harmful to the environment, but we say many shore birds in them, feeding.

Today, was a day for getting out of Bangkok to see some of the smaller, river areas in the south. I felt like I was home in Florida. The river culture is, I suspect, similar to river culture everywhere....local boats designed specifically for the use there, using commonly available materials. In the case of the Sampon, the local material is mahogony, simple sampon are incredibly beautiful craft. Id like to try paddling one, most have motors on them but not typical outboards, think weedeater wtih a prop.

I was most impressed today with the is so similar to what I grew up with in Florida...even to the pot (long o), or gardenia....flem flim (not correct) but bouganvillea. Jasmine, wonderul.

One art form that Thais have maded their own from Japan is bonsai. I saw, today, many beautiful and closely trained bonsai.

Tonight's plan was to go to Kao San Road.....a popular tourist area, but I think the sun and heat of today's trip has worn us all out.

Tomorrow we begin discussing possible reserach projects. I talked today with three Thai professors, two in environmental science the other an economist. They want to tackle the problem in Thailand of solid waster recycling. Interestingly enough, they face virtually the same problems as we to get people to reduce, reuse, recyle, sort their waste, and so on.

I ate lunch with them, they were wonderful as they were very willing to tell me everything I wanted to know about the foods we were eating......This restaurant was like my dream restaurant, right on the river. It is the place I would pick myself.!!!!

Tonight I am turning in early. I am tired and want to be fresh for the discussions tomorrow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 1. Markets, river taxis and ice i your beer

We made it in last night about 1pm. Our wonderful Thai partner, Siri-orn (Oil) met us at the airport with two vans and escorted us to the University where we are staying. She also had Simgha beer waiting and wonderful Thainoodles and most wonderful pork and rice dish with se added spices thst tasted so delicious.

Today we met for breakfast, myself and Bill Mitchell tool
a tour (with Oil) of the university and happened to rum into The President of SSRU ( today is commencement. The SSRU grounds are beautiful, this I'd a former royal palace and grounds, which 70 years ago was turned into a teacher's college.

At 11 we headed to the largest weekend market in the world, chuchakat. I think you could buy Judy about anything there. From chihuahuas to lingerie to all kinds of food, to buddhas to glocks.

Then we rode the skytrain to the water front and then took a water taxi on the river. The taxi took us by the Grand Palace, several major Buddhist wats,and more.

Then we found a restaurant. Orderedseveral dishes many beers with ice.....

More later

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


We are ;less than 48 hours from departure to Bangkok for teh "environmentzallly and culturally sustainable local economic development" conference in Bangkok Thailand, hosted by Suan Sunandha Rajuabhat University (SSRU).

The ISU delegation consists of our leader and one of the principal organizers of the conference, John Conant, Chairperson, Dept of Economics, Brian Kilp, Dept of Music, William Mitchell, Dept of Biology, Mike Chambers, Chairperson, Dept of Political Science, Steppen Aldrich, Dept of Earth and Environmental Studies, and me, Tom Steiger, Sociologist.  Two others are joining us, Chris McGrew from Purdue, and John Gibson, IU-Northwest.

Some of us will be sharing out thoughts and experiences on this blog during the trip.

The ECSLED logo, brought to us by our most special friend, Siri-orn Champatong, whose efforts have made this conference a reality, is below.